My eyes in the back of my heart take me back to Christmas.
The fleeting flash of a huge band of cousins standing at an aunts piano singing Christmas Carols seeps from my memory bank from time to time.
French Hot Chocolate and homemade cookies from Grandma's house open the flood gates of sincere joy and smells I still find lingering in the air especially at this time of year.
We cousins ran and ran through the tiny hall into the living room and through the hall again. Drinking from beautiful tea cups and saucers, just like all the grown ups,
Oh how we knew our Grandma loved us.
Her beautiful homemade cookies made weeks in advance were kept in ZCMI boxes
out in her cold back room.
Homemade crocheted hangers and dishtowels as well as slippers were the gifts Grandma intently worked on all year long so each person would have some treasure to unwrap and take home. Small golden books were given to the small kiddies.
I still see myself as a toddler sitting on her lap in her rocker as she read Humpty Dumpty Books to me. That rocker resides in my house, although my son thinks it is his:)
Ok, It is his~!
One very vivid Christmas memory for me was when I was about 11 years old.
I remember getting so many things I could not see my bed after I laid it all out. I also, distinctly recall the feeling of being so embarrassed over my collage of do-dads, trinkets and expensive clothes.
As we did in "those" days, my sister and I went from one friends house to another to check out the Santa trail. As we all wandered in and out of each others homes we two returned to ours knowing we had more than any humans fair share given to us for Christmas.
I came to understand my parents worked and shopped hard for months in advance to find
exactly the right item for each of their six children. Then Christmas morning they just watched with complete utter happiness as we took turns unveiling every treasure.
Now, as I near 60 years of age I am seeing more and more through the eyes in the back of my heart. These eyes now see what my heart always knew and recognized as love and devotion. Each package give, each treasure sought for in order to GIVE and make Memories was a success.
Those eyes in the back of my heart know how precious all gifts are no matter the price tag.
The fleeting flash of a huge band of cousins standing at an aunts piano singing Christmas Carols seeps from my memory bank from time to time.
French Hot Chocolate and homemade cookies from Grandma's house open the flood gates of sincere joy and smells I still find lingering in the air especially at this time of year.
We cousins ran and ran through the tiny hall into the living room and through the hall again. Drinking from beautiful tea cups and saucers, just like all the grown ups,
Oh how we knew our Grandma loved us.
Her beautiful homemade cookies made weeks in advance were kept in ZCMI boxes
out in her cold back room.
Homemade crocheted hangers and dishtowels as well as slippers were the gifts Grandma intently worked on all year long so each person would have some treasure to unwrap and take home. Small golden books were given to the small kiddies.
I still see myself as a toddler sitting on her lap in her rocker as she read Humpty Dumpty Books to me. That rocker resides in my house, although my son thinks it is his:)
Ok, It is his~!
One very vivid Christmas memory for me was when I was about 11 years old.
I remember getting so many things I could not see my bed after I laid it all out. I also, distinctly recall the feeling of being so embarrassed over my collage of do-dads, trinkets and expensive clothes.
As we did in "those" days, my sister and I went from one friends house to another to check out the Santa trail. As we all wandered in and out of each others homes we two returned to ours knowing we had more than any humans fair share given to us for Christmas.
I came to understand my parents worked and shopped hard for months in advance to find
exactly the right item for each of their six children. Then Christmas morning they just watched with complete utter happiness as we took turns unveiling every treasure.
Now, as I near 60 years of age I am seeing more and more through the eyes in the back of my heart. These eyes now see what my heart always knew and recognized as love and devotion. Each package give, each treasure sought for in order to GIVE and make Memories was a success.
Those eyes in the back of my heart know how precious all gifts are no matter the price tag.