Training a Child
As mothers and fathers we look forward to the day we can get our toddler out of diapers and into underwear.
I know we even celebrate those moments when the wee ones brush their teeth and do a good job at it, alone.
I remember well, the thrill of watching them take a step with NO assistance, then soon running all over the place.
When children make a sandwich, sweep the floor or make their bed....celebrations occur, if even in our minds.
However, there are no cheers, no celebrations or family members called to share the moments when our "failing nicely" parents begin the journey of wearing pull-ups, not brushing their teeth without assistance and walking only with assistance.
Once they forget how to make a sandwich or that there IS actually food in the house no one gets the call saying that day has come.
Long time friends, family, home, even scripture become foreign and most unsettling, but we throw no parties for such events.
Of course we don't, that would be rather disgusting, as if to poke fun.
This path of retuning home to Father is a path of Dignity and great respect. One where we honor their decline with kindness, graciousness and understanding.
When walking home alone in the dark we look for the lights, the way, a reminder of where we are headed.
We must now provide the light, the way and the reminder of where they are headed, with joy....
I know someday, it will be MY turn to walk the journey home.
The days are changing as well as the nights.
Just as with our children, no two are the same.
There is no reason to worry, fret or despair really, because it is just a journey, one of many, different from all the rest.
And yet just the same.