Monday, July 20, 2020

Active Duty

Active Duty    
I wrote this February 13, 2003 
                                          It seems appropriate for the state of the country now

Recently, I heard about a local doctor being called up for active duty. Silently, I wondered “hasn’t he already been in active duty”? Yes, he has been in active duty on a daily basis as he helped heal the sick and wounded. I am thankful for him and all who serve in this active duty...of war. 
     Suppose each day, as you get ready for your many activities, you take the time to search inside the mirror and decide just who you are, what your purpose is...then, consider this question, “just what is my active duty?”
     Perhaps singing to babies, visiting grandparents, reading to children, going to lunch with friends. Writing your history, watering your plants, attending school, picking up litter, fighting a fire or saving a life. 
     Creating a spreadsheet, painting a sunrise, giving a dose of medicine, or worshiping the Lord. Donating some coats, making a quilt, teaching a class, even smiling at strangers. 
     Are you not all engaged in active duty? From day to day as you perform each small, medium and even large task of blessing lives, protecting lives, and encouraging the lives of those around us, you are doing just that. Men,women and children, as unsung heroes, you show you care each day as you live just as you have been taught, to do your duty. 

     Whatever your active duty is….hats off to you and you and you~! You are the best of the best, you, who take the time and energy to use your gifts and talents to enrich others. Let us keep the home fires burning, a light in the window, and a place in our hearts for each other, the heroes of our cities and of our nation. You are great. You are many and come in all shapes and colors, yet wear the same uniform, the uniform of loyalty and love.